Accuwrite in Action!
Are you tearing your hair out as that deadline approaches and your piece still has to be translated? Need an extra set of hands for that last-minute marketing project? Expanding your product or service into the Quebec market and aren't quite sure about the language and cultural differences? Accuwrite can help!
Here is a sample of some challenging client situations - and the creative solutions developed and executed by Accuwrite.
Going out of our way to deliver outstanding customer service.
Challenge: The rush proofs for a print job for a client in Montreal were supposed to arrive at Accuwrite by noon on Friday. By 5pm they still weren't there, and the job was scheduled to go on press first thing Monday.
Solution: On Saturday, the project manager hopped on a plane and headed to Montreal to proofread the job at the client's location. The job was completed in time and the client was thrilled.
Helping you save money!
Challenge: A client was contacting Accuwrite on a regular basis to translate different versions of a standard product label, often as last-minute rushes.
Solution: A label database! We discovered that there were approximately 50 label versions being used repeatedly, so we organized them into a database. Now, each time the client needs a label for a job they can simply refer to the database and find the appropriate label. This saves them time - and money!

Working with you to develop a relevant message in French.
Challenge: A client was planning a contest for the Quebec market. The Grand Prize was a trip to a very exciting and exclusive gala event - but the event was in English only.
Solution: Since the winners were going to be French-speaking, we were concerned that the target audience would not consider this a valuable prize, and the response rates for the campaign could be suppressed. Recent market studies showed that a trip to Disneyworld would be much more appealing to the Quebec market. This modification to the contest was proposed. The change was made. And the response was excellent.

Developing creative solutions.
Challenge: When the movie version of "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" was being released, our client produced Grinch stickers for children in both English and French. However, the story of the Grinch had not previously been translated into French, and the film was not yet available.
Solution: We adapted the story to create a whole language for the Grinch and for all of Whoville. The French translation was presented to the owners of the copyright, the creative was approved and the stickers produced.

Delivering more than just copywriting services.
Challenge: A fundraising client was planning a direct mail campaign, targetting potential supporters across Canada. However, the client was not sure of exactly what they wanted to do for this particular campaign…and turned to Accuwrite for help.
Solution: We researched the organization, discovering the unique work being done in each target market, then incorporated this information into each of the letters. The result: a very personal and targetted message - and a successful fundraising campaign.

Translating your words into profit for over 25 years!